Here's what we've been up to lately, Instagram-style. Wanna follow me? I'm @naemaelynn.
Last weekend we went to the Phoenix Zoo. The boys had a blast.
I think they're favorite animals to see are the monkeys! Doesn't this monkey look thrilled?
The boys were tuckered out after a few hours. Ah, sweet silent bliss.
Gave myself a nice red mani the other day. I think red is my favorite nail color. Classic.
Owen looooves his laptop.
Austy chillaxin'
Owen discovered Hungry Hungry Hippos in my closet the other day. There was no going back. The boys played it all day!
"Look Mommy, I made a W!"
A typical Sunday night dinner. Klassy.
Fun @ Party City!
"Mommy, your hair looks cool". Thanks, buddy.
We went to the store today and against my better judgement, I drove the boys around in the car cart, only Austin got the side with the missing steering wheel. Crocodile tears ensued.
Austin was cheered up by looking at the "grasshoppers", as Owen calls them. Too cute.
Austy and I got away for a date this morning. We went to the mall, got Starbucks, rode the carousel, played in the play area, and picked out an early birthday present. I can't believe Austy will be 2 on Sunday! Where's my baby?
Isn't he a doll?!