Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Ryan and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary yesterday. It was a great time of reflection..and gifts! :) He got me flowers. (I actually received them last week so they're looking a little sad by now). He also surprised me with some onesies I mentioned I loved.... what a sweetie! And aren't these onesies cute!? Brown for my little man! This striped one is my fave.
Last night we went to this interesting hole in the wall Italian restaurant that was pretty good. Then it was off to the mall so Ryan could spend his present from me - a Buckle giftcard. He found some great jeans. Today he had the day off so I made us a belated anniversary breakfast!

Getting all gussied up

There are a few things I have to say about this guy. First of all, the last 2 years, even though riddled with trials and painful circumstances, have been the best 2 years of my life. Life with Ryan is so fun, so joyful, so contented. Whether it's scrambling to get to caregroup, getting dinner on a date night, running to the grocery store together, or a lazy Sunday afternoon, I am so happy with him and he truly is my best friend. We have grown much as a couple and as individuals during these few years, and I am so grateful God gifted me with him. Babe, you're the love of my life and I'm crazy about you - more and more so every day!!! Love you!

1 comment:

CarrieLovesKeith said...

Happy anniversary!!! Danae, I have to say, you totally pull off the bangs fantastically! Seriously, I love them, and very few people can pull off bangs! Well done :~)