Two years ago from today started out like any other Monday. I got up early and left for my job where I worked as a nanny for two little boys. Mondays were a half day for me. I spent the morning playing with my little charges. After they went down for their nap I called my mom. I needed advice about something. We talked while I swept the floor. She mentioned my dad had stayed home from work that day, and they had spend a great morning together, just hanging out. She said that they were taking Drew and Bella to see Santa Clause that night at San Tan Mall.
I said I would meet them there for a little bit. It was our week to be with Ryan's family for family night but he didn't get off until 8 that evening so I figured I could do both.
Later that evening I headed to the mall. It was the first time I had driven there in the dark and I got lost. I almost turned around and went home. But after a quick phone call to my dad I found my way and was able to meet up with everyone. Matt, Becky, Dad, Mom, Jesse, Drew and Bella. We had fun in the short hour I was there. Drew and Bella stood in line to see Santa Clause, but got scared at the last second. The picture ended up being with Mom holding Drew and Bella on Santa's lap :)
The time was nearing for me to leave. I walk
ed with my family to the restaurant they were eating dinner at. Mom and I walked arm in arm. She caught me up on the latest news with Jesse and a girl that he liked. We giggled.
As we parted ways in the restaurant, I told them all bye and I loved them and I'd see them later. That was the last time I saw my mom alive.
Two hours later Ryan and I were at his parent's house playing cards when I got the call from Becky that Mom had passed out in the car on the way home from the mall. We raced to the hospital.
The next 4 days were painful and full of tears. We learned that Mom had had a heart attack and would not regain consciousness. We said our goodbyes to her on Thursday, December 20th.
I'm writing this post this morning through tears. I woke up and couldn't shake these vivid memories; the good, the bad. God was so good to allow our family such a special, memory making day with Mom before she died. But that doesn't make it easier. I miss her so much. The ache in my heart since she died hasn't gone away. I wish we had more time together. I wish I had gotten to know her better, not just as my mom, but as my friend. I wish she could be a grandmother to Owen and Austin. There are so many ways I miss her, but I know God is sovereign in His will and timing and Mom certainly is whe
re she always wanted to be. Heaven.
She was one of the godliest women I ever knew. She was a wonderful example of the Proverbs 31 woman. She sought the Lord daily. She loved to love others. I'm grateful I had the privilege of being her daughter for 20 years. Her legacy continues after her; often if I need advice and wonder what she would tell me I don't have to think for long; she would direct me back to scripture and what God's word says about living our lives. She left a major impact on my life. I miss her much, but I'm rejoicing in her memory today.
"The memory of the righteous is a blessing"
Proverbs 10:7
With Mom and Dad Halloween '07